Energy Certificates

What is an energy certificate?

It is an essential certificate to sell or rent a property. The energy certificate informs about the energy consumption and the CO2 emissions of a property that is advertised for sale or rent.

The mandatory energy certificate since June 2013

El certificado energético es obligatorio en España desde el 1 de junio de 2013 para poder alquilar o vender un inmueble o local.

La obligación de mostrar el certificado energético está regulada en España por el Real Decreto 235/2013. La normativa de certificación energética procede de una Directiva Europea que ya han acatado todos los estados miembros.

La responsabilidad de obtener este certificado energético es del propietario de la vivienda, quién debe contratar el servicio de un técnico certificador para obtener su certificado energético.

With the energy certificate you get the energy label

The content of the energy certificate is summarized in the energy label. This label, similar in appearance to the energy label present in household appliances, indicates the emissions and consumption ratings that the property has obtained in its energy certificate, on a scale of colors ranging from A, the most efficient, to G , the least efficient.

The energy certificate when it is announced

The energy rating indicated in the energy certificate must appear in any advertisement or advertising act of the property.

The owner must provide his energy certificate to his real estate agency and include it in his advertisement on real estate portals.

The energy certificate at the time of signing

In case of sale of a property the owner must deliver the energy certificate to the buyer. In addition, the energy certificate must be included in the sales contract.

In case of rent, a copy of the energy certificate must be shown and delivered to the tenant. The energy certificate will also be requested when depositing the deposit bond in the corresponding official agency.

Fines for renting or selling without an energy certificate

Selling or renting without an energy certificate is a violation and is punishable by fines ranging between 300 and 600 €

Law 8/2013, of June 26, establishes sanctions for non-compliance with the energy certification regulations.

These sanctions are divided into three groups according to the severity of the infraction. Not to mention the energy rating obtained in the advertisements of the property for sale or rent, to sell without having previously made the energy certificate or distort the result thereof.

Minor infractions will be fined with amounts between € 300 and € 600.
Serious infractions carry fines of € 601 to € 1000.
Very serious infractions carry fines of € 1001 up to € 6000.

How is the energy certificate

The energy certificate is a report that consists of several pages. It contains abundant information about the orientation, the situation, the envelope, the lighting and the energy production systems of the building.

On the first page of the energy certificate they contain the general data of the property, in addition to the data of the certifying technician. The lower part shows the overall energy rating of the property, in terms of carbon dioxide emissions released into the atmosphere. It is expressed on a scale from A to G.

This qualification will appear on the energy efficiency label, when the energy certificate is registered. The energy consumption rating (Kw h / m2 • year) indicated in Annex II of this report will also appear on the energy label.

In addition to this first page, the report has four annexes where it breaks down the information:

Annex I, describes the thermal characteristics of the property.
Annex II, disaggregates the energy rating of the property in the qualification of the different demands and energy consumption.
Annex III, referring to recommendations for improvement.
Annex IV, the technician describes the tests, verifications and inspections carried out during the data collection process.

The registration of your energy certificate

The registration of the energy certificate is mandatory to rent or sell a property. This is stipulated in Royal Decree 235/2013.

Each autonomous community has an authorized registry in which to present the energy efficiency certificate. The registration process is different in each autonomous community, both in the registration formula and in the cost of it. You can check the registration of the energy certificate in your community in the following link: registration of the energy certificate in each autonomous community.

Price of energy certificate registration

The cost of registering the energy certificate is different in each of the autonomous communities.

In 8 autonomous communities, no fee is applied to the registration process of the energy certificate. These are: Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Cantabria, Canary Islands, Madrid, Navarre and the Basque Country.

In the rest of the autonomous communities, fees are applied to the process of registering the energy certificate. To know the cost of registration fees in your community, enter: register of the energy certificate in each autonomous community.

The certifying technician registers the energy certificate

The energy certificate can be registered by the certifying technician as the representative of the owner of the property.

It is recommended that it is the certifying technician who has made the energy certificate, who is responsible for its registration. Sometimes the registration process can be cumbersome and complicated for those who are not familiar with the terms of the energy certification.

In Certicalia all certification technicians process the energy certificate registration as part of the energy certification service and its cost is included in the budget generated by the Certicalia website.

The registry issues the energy efficiency label

Once the energy certificate is registered, the energy label is obtained.

The energy label summarizes the content of the energy certificate in a graphic and easy to understand manner.

The energy label Content

The energy label contains the general details of the property at the top.

  • The construction regulations in force at the time of construction of the building.
  • Cadastral reference.
  • Type of building: residential building, single-family housing, local, etc.
  • Location: address, municipality and autonomous community of the property.

The energy label indicates the energy rating through a color scale. The properties are classified from the A, more efficient properties, to the G, less efficient properties.

The rating is measured in two values:

  • Energy consumption, expressed in kWh / m2 year: It determines the primary energy consumed by a property to reach the standard levels of comfort.
  • CO2 emissions, expressed in kgCO2 / m2 year: Measures the annual CO2 emissions that can be released into the atmosphere with the use of the property.

The registration number and the validity date of the energy label are indicated on the bottom of the label. The registration number is issued by the competent registry of each Autonomous Community, and it is essential for the label to be valid. The validity date of the label is ten years from the date of issuance of the energy efficiency certificate.

The registry is responsible for inspections

The competent body in energy certification in charge of registration in each autonomous community is also in charge of carrying out the control and inspection tasks for the correct fulfillment of the energy certification regulations.

How much does an energy certificate cost?

BelleVue offers you this service for only € 99, we send a specialized technical architect.

The prices of the energy certificate in Spain are not marked with fixed rates. Each energy certifier stipulates its fees for the energy certificate service.

The factors that most influence the price of an energy certificate of a home are the location and its size.

In the price comparison of energy certificate of Certicalia you can consult the prices of the energy certification professionals closest to your home.

In some Spanish provinces, at the energy certificate prices of each certifying technician, the cost of administrative fees must be added for the registration of the energy certificate stipulated by each autonomous community.

BelleVue offers you this service for only € 99, we send a special technical architect.

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